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Up to 25% Off on Online General Practitioner at The Pittsburgh Medium

Must sign waiver. Online redemption only. Consultation required before service. If you are ineligible, a refund will be provided. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Expires 90 days after purchase.

Channeled readings are the most accurate method of receiving guidance from Loved Ones and Guides!

30-min Channeled Reading

60-min Channeled Reading

Channeled readings heal one's life and provide accurate predictions, timelines, and choices that are coming up. Loved Ones come through with ease and always have structured guidance and love to share ;

All topics are allowed as well as general readings. My readings always include evidence that Jeshua or one's Guide is connecting to one and that situation and their "structured guidance" lays out a plan to give the client instructional advice to ease their heart, heal their situation, and calm their fears.

Thousands of readings given both in-person and remote. One of the healers has had clients all over the world who receive readings and energy work - geographic distance does not slow down or impede the ability to connect to the client and their situation. Any appointment may also be used for energy work to balance and attune one's chakra system.

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