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Up to 52% Off on Book - eBook (Retail) at UrbanTeach

Registration required. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

This 37 page eBook breaks down the 10 steps you need to become a Home Owner. Purchase a copy for an easy download to your smart device.

How To Fire Your Landlord - eBook

Are you tired of paying rent for a home that is not yours, without the benefit of tax credits and equity building?

Does the home buying process seem overwhelming to you?

If the answer is "YES", then it's time to fire your landlord!  

From getting your finances and credit in order, to qualifying for the mortgage type that best fits your needs and finding a Realtor. 

You don't have to spend countless hours online researching the process on your own. This eBook covers it all! 

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