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American Patchwork & Quilting Magazine Subscription for Six-Months or One-Year (Up to 69% Off)

All voucher sales are final and non-refundable once viewed; no returns unless item is defective. See return policy. Limit 1 per person, may buy 4 more as gifts. Cannot be combined with other offers. Can only redeem one voucher at a time. Voucher is non-transferable. Free shipping. Doesn't ship to Canada. Most orders ship within 6-14 weeks from the redemption date. Only applicable for print subscriptions. $0.99 non-refundable fulfillment fee not included. Blue Dolphin does not accept prepaid cards or PayPal for payment of the fulfillment fee. Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express are accepted. If a magazine becomes unavailable, it may be replaced by another with the same terms. Blue Dolphin is not responsible for delivery issues due to incorrect or incomplete delivery address or to correctional facilities. The number of issues is subject to change at any time. See the full terms and conditions here.

Each article expands on the age-old art of quilt-making with features on top designers, reader-submitted tips & full-size pull-out patterns

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American Patchwork & Quilting

Quilters and fabric-enthusiasts glean new tips and up-to-date trends within the pages of American Patchwork & Quilting magazine. Each informative article expands upon the age-old art of quilt-making with features on new projects from top designers, profiles of up-and-coming designers and shops, reader-submitted tricks, and editorial reviews of the newest patchwork products on the market. And with the mag’s full-size pull-out patterns, readers will be quilting like professionals in no time. 

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